
It is possible that this is a poor website choice for your surfing pleasure.
You should consider clicking elsewhere if you are easily offended or-
- You are under the age of 18, or a vegetarian, Democrat, homosexual, Muslim terrorist, illegal immigrant, feminist, etc.
- You mistake global warming for WEATHER.
- You are a liberal, tree-hugging, green weenie enviro-Nazi, but you still drive a gasoline powered car and use electricity in your home.
- You believe a gay parade displaying transvestites, bestiality and other deviant sexuality to the public is OK, but a Christmas manger scene isn't.
- You advocate tolerance, diversity and multi-culturalism to the point of undermining the borders, language and culture of your own nation.
- You know who PETA, Moveon.org, Greenpeace, NAMBLA, ACLU, Handgun Control, Inc. and Jesse Jackson are and they don't make you sick
- You believe in Affirmative Action or quotas in the workplace, business deals or government unless it doesn't benefit you. Then it's racism.
- You believe the Bible and the U.S. Constitution are “living documents” to be amended freely at the whims of politicians or activist judges.
- You voted for Kerry, Gore, Clinton, Dukakis, Mondale, Carter, etc.
- You are a wealthy divorcee, receive food stamps, welfare, or an obscene amount of court-ordered child support. It's not your money.
- You get all your news from Oprah, Katie “Cupcake” Couric, CNN, Comedy Central or your favorite Britney Spears/Gangsta Rap music station.
- You listen to Error America (oops!), I mean Air America on the radio.
- You are a thieving crack smokin' paint huffin' bong hittin' glue sniffin' heroin shootin' meth head pinko commie socialist deadbeat slacker.