a DOS prompt or window it is a little more complicated.
Lets start with windows 9x again. You have to be sure you
are in the C:\windows\command directory. To get there
you would just type in cd (for change directory) then C:\windows\command and press enter. Then type
in "sys C:\windows A"and
press enter. the illistration below shows the commands in
sequence. |
In real DOS mode the
typing would still remain the same. If you have DOS,
windows 3.x, or a version other than Windows 9x, you
should be able to get the "sys" string
mentioned above in the directory "DOS".
then you would type in
"cd C:\DOS" instead. That
should get you going. Below is a list of stitches for the
sys command. |
Invalid media of
Track 0 bad disk unusable Format terminated |
When attempting to format
a disk with the previous method or another, this message
means that the location for the system files needed for
system disk are damaged. The disk is probably no good. If
this error occurs during the format of a hard drive, it
means deep
trouble. The drive is no good for a bootable drive- you
may be able to transfer information from this drive to
another but you will need to boot from another location. This also happens when trying to
boot some bad disks. The error then displays "Disk
Access denied |
This message is
given after trying to write or delete on a
write-protected disk. On a normal floppy the disks are
write protected by the sliding clip on the top rear
corner of the disk. 5 1/4 floppies have tape. If this is
happening on files located on the hard disk, that file ir
protected. To
disable protection on a file in windows, you must run an attribute
on the file. This also is done in DOS mode. You must get
to the directory where the file is located and type in "attrib
filename" to change the
protection. The following picture shows the options for
Notice that typing the /?
stitch was used to get a list of the commands. Most any
DOS exe file will react to this stitch. The read only
attribute is the protect that you are probably looking
for when saving or editing a file. |
Divide Overflow |
This one leaves
you no options. It means that the computer has tried to
do an operation that is not possible; divide a number by
zero. The only thing you can do from this point is to
restart. If the computer was booting, you will need to
reboot. If it was just a program that was running, you
usually would have recieved the "Illegal
operation" error in the
message box. You will have to exit and restart the
operation. |
Drive not ready Abort, Retry, Fail?
This message is
returned after the computer attempts to access a drive
that had no media or disk in it. Make sure the drive is
closed, the disk is formatted correctly, or that the
drive is setup properly. You just press the letter
corresponding the next action to continue. R for retry, F
for fail, or A for abort.
Memory |
This message
means that the computer has temporarily run out of memory
or does not have enough memory to complete the operation.
You may want to check to see that the memory is set up
right or that a memory manager is running. The "mem"
command displays the status of the memory usage. Also
displayed is the maximum allowable size of program to
run. If
you are getting this message in Windows 95, you may want
to check the autoexec.bat and config.sys files to see how
the emm386.exe file is set to run. It should be allowed
to run on its own settings. If you have to run it, set it
to auto mode. There is more information in the Windows
directory called config.txt and msdosdrv.txt. These files
are opened with the notepad and are very useful.
DOS does not start
the same memory manager. It uses the himem.sys to test
and use the high memory addresses. You may also turn on
the emm386 by specifying it in your config.sys file. MS
DOS has a list of text and help files in the DOS
directory that will be good resources as well.
Bad command or
file name |
You must have
typed in something that the computer did not understand
or a filename the computer could not find. Make sure the
file is in the same directory that you are in or that you
spelled it correctly. If you see this at startup then
something in the autoexec.bat or config.sys is mispelled
or looking in the wrong directory. These files can be
edited using the editor in the DOS or windows\command
directories. Just run the edit program or enter "type
filename" to see the file
displayed. These can be edited in Win95 by right clicking
on them and selecting edit.
Bad or Missing
filename |
Once again your
computer cannot find a file. This could happen during
startup or DOS prompt. See Bad command or Filename. |
General Failure |
Dos can often
have a problem with different floppies, hard drives, of
file formats and spit out an error. But, when it gets
really confused, you see this error. You may want to
check the format of the media, see that it isconfigured
correctly, find out if it is inserted correctly: all of
these things could have that effect. Even check that you
have inserted the right type of media into the drive. |
Incorrect DOS
Version |
This message is
displayed by DOS when a program from a different version
of DOS is run from your computer. The different versions
of DOS are not compatible in some programs. The programs
in DOS were upgraded and changed over time to make them
better or improve functionality over time. These changes
generate the problem. If you copied some of the DOS files
from a friends computer and put them on your computer you
may get this error message when you run the program. You
may also get this error from running a buddies startup
disk. If you've booted from a disk and get this message
when you start working with the files on your hard drive,
you may have to check the version of the disk you booted
To check your DOS
version, type "ver"
at the DOS prompt.
Insufficient disk
space |
Apparently, the
disk you intended to store information on is now too full
to store more information. This can happen with most any
storage media. To check to make sure in DOS, you could
run check disk, a utility checking hard drive status.
Just type in "chkdsk" from
the DOS directory (if running DOS or win3.x). If yours is
an IBM the Dosshell will display free space information. In windows 3.x or 9x you
can use the file manager. The free space is displayde if
you click on the drive you wish to check from within the
directory tree. Notice the illistrations below. The file
manager is shown at the left, windows explorer from win9x
is shown on the left. In both examples, the space
information is on the bottom left.
You will notice
that they are pretty much the same thing. You can also
use the DriveSpace3 program from the system tools on the
Accessories folder on the start menu. That program shows
a nice graphical chart. Another way is to right click and
select poperties from within the above programs. |
Internal stack
failure, system halted |
Reboot your
computer. You may need a system disk like the one you
created at the installation of windows or as described
above in "Insert disk with COMMAND.COM." Next, add the following
line to your hard disks config.sys file (also described
above somewhere):
Stacks 9,256
When you reboot
your computer with the new config.sys, it should be back
to normal. If not, the number 9 after the "stacks"
can be changed to 12. If still wrong try 15 (notice the
changes in multiples of three.) Just do not change the 256
as it needs to be the same.
Sector not found |
DOS is having
trouble finding information on your disk. Try running a
scan disk or a check disk on the media. If you have not
backed up the information on the disk, do so as soon as
possible because chances are that the disk is about to
die or in need of formatting. |
Here is a little
table of common IRQ assignments |
Some times after an
upgrade, you can't get your computer to boot. It could be
the conflict of two devices trying to share IRQ
assignments. This list is a reference to some common
assignments. You may be better off to check your
assignments in your Bios or in windows and draw out your
own table and see which IRQ's are available on your
system. |